Friday, September 27, 2013

Dhaman Snake Catching Operation at Gokul Classic Building, Virar West

Snakes and Other Reptiles Increasing Due To Uncleared Water Logged Jungle Plot, Near Residential Building Named Gokul Classic CHS Ltd, Virar West.

Gokul Township, Virar West is been developed so fast since last 7 to 8 years. But one plot opposite to Muljibhai International School and Very closed near and attached to the residential building compound named Gokul Classic is became very dangerous to the residents of aforesaid building, as many reptiles like huge snakes around 7 feet were found in building premises.
This can be very risky as some of the Snakes can be Venomous. As there are out of 3000 species of Snakes, 400 species are Venomous. But normal person having no knowledge of snakes can die with the fear of snake bite only. There is no need for poison content in the body, or else Human can Kill these Beautiful Wildlife Reptiles for making himself Safe.
This fact no one can deny that, there can be an availability of Venomous Snakes and Reptiles in that Jungle area.
Since last 7 to 8 years day by day the risk factor for Residents and School near to that Jungle plot is been Increased.

On 21st September 2013 the Huge Snake around 7 feet is been seen again by the Residents of Gokul Classic Building. As per the eye witness last seen description, I had called up My friend Ashish Godse who is Sarp Mitra by profession residing in Virar. As per the conversation and unavailability of Him, He requested Me to Call other friend named Chandan. As Chandan was available and seeing the urgency of matter I had taken the help of Shri Bhavsar's Son to go with him on his Scooty and pick him up from the Virat Nagar Area. Chandan had carried proper Snake Catching Stick with him. Till that time Upendra the Gokul Classic Watchman has kept watch on that area as that Snake should not come out of the hole and ran away. My motto behind all this is too safeguard and rehabilitate that Snake to the Proper Forest area. We tried Very Hard all together to take out that Huge Snake from that Hole, but every effort for 2 to 3 Hours is gone In vain, as because that Hole was Below the Concrete Surface of Building's Garden Construction.

Again on 23rd September 2013 the Ladies of the aforesaid building shouted as for same Snake is been seen in same Hole again. Seeing the Urgency of Matter I and other Residents Tried to Pushed Smoke in the Hole by Burning Fire in Front of the Hole So that he will Come out from other different Hole, which we don't know. We succeed in pushing high quantity of smoke in hole which came out from different connected holes, nearby main hole from which he entered. But again 2 to 3 Hours efforts gone In vain.

At last on 25th September 2013, Wednesday, I have got Success of Catching Him. On that day I have to go out for My work again by 2 pm, and I had just sat and supposed to begin with My Lunch by 1:40 pm, My Wife Loudly called Me from the Kitchen to Come Here. As per the urgency in call, I come to know she must have seen that huge snake from the Kitchen window in building premises. I also ran to see that Snake's Location through Window first. This time Location was in Open Area and I also don't want to Waste Single Minute of time. So I Ran with Available Iron Rod with Me. Again the purpose was very clear to catch him with the help of that Rod and not to kill him. I was too fast to reach to the Garden Area of the building, but till that time he went in another Hole below the huge Stones and Broken Concrete Mushrooms. The location was confirmed by lady residing at Ground floor flat. This time Me and Upendra (Watchman) both are very sure that this Hole has not any long bypass area. All the connected bypass holes were in our control. Without wasting single minute of time I had called up My Wife to bring My Cell phone with Urgency, which I have left at home in hurry. This time I am very much sure that My efforts will get Success, so I called up My friends Ashish Godse and Chandan (Both are Sarp Mitra by Proffesion) both, as anyone can reach faster. Seeing the urgency and Importance of Life of Both Residents and Snake, I had taken the help of another Resident to go and Pickup Ashish Godse from VIVA College area. Within 5 to 7 minutes Ashish with another friend Prasad Naik (Sarpa Mitra) on Prasad Naik's bike reach to the Gokul Classic building.
Without wasting any time in discussion, We started Our Work to take him out. Because of God Grace Chandan also reach after 5 minutes in the building and joined us.
First We had removed 3 huge broken Concrete Mushrooms from that place. As we were removing huge stones from that place one by one, we found many holes were there. We were using Iron Rod and Wooden Sticks to Choc the holes. As We proceed further in demolishing holes, We found Eggs of another Reptile. The count can be 14 to 15 approximate as We were much more interested in catching the Snake rather than counting the Eggs. As per the suggestion of Prasad I had asked for 2 small polythin bags to use as hand gloves to collect those eggs, as Eggs should not be touched directly with hands, as Eggs gets spoiled by our body temperature. Prasad has collected all the Eggs with small polythin bags wearing in hands in Plastic Tiffin box provided by Smt. Oza residing at ground floor in the same building.

Work begins ahead by removing one by one huge stone and choking every hole. And suddenly in fraction of second that Huge and near about 7 feet Long Snake Jumped out and started running towards the boundary wall for crossing the same to go again in the Jungle. I shouted loudly to Ashish for catching the same as he was nearer to him and he was the professional Snake Catcher. His Speed was too fast as within 2 seconds he reached to the drainage tank of the building. Ashish ran too fast and have great courage and caught his Tail in his hand and picked him up, while that Huge Snake was trying to roll around the Ashish's body. As per the Ashish and Prasad's suggestion I asked all the spectators to stay steady and not to do any movement of Body. This was really Terrifying Action Scene which I and Everyone have witnessed, that Approximate "7 feet Huge Dhaman Snake" Catching Operation at last got Success on 25th September 2013. Then Ashish ask Chetan to carefully catch that Dhaman Snake's Head. Taking proper precaution Chandan wearing his Gumboot pushed a gentle pressure on Snake's Neck and caught the same in the hand. After lifting his Head up by Chandan and Tail was in Ashish's hand, I had also taken the Middle Body of Dhaman Snake in My hand as I want to Touch him.

After that they kept that Huge Dhaman Snake in their big professional bag carrying for relocating Such Snakes in Forest Area, and taking all those Eggs they moved for another Call.
Dhaman Snake is Non-Venomous Snake, but can be Dangerous if he attacks in retaliation.