Wednesday, April 28, 2010

The Controversy Surrounding the Origins of the Taj Mahal

The Controversy Surrounding the Origins of the Taj Mahal

The Taj Mahal, located near the Indian city of Agra, is one of the world's greatest architectural treasures. The almost supernatural beauty of the Taj Mahal and its grounds transcends culture and history, and speaks with a voice of its own to visitors from all over the world of feelings that are common to all humanity.
There are two stories of how the Taj came to be.

The Taj's Love Story

It has been called the most beautiful temple in the world, despite the fact that it was built at the cost of much human life. The Taj Mahal is a real monument of one man's love for a woman. The story is a sad one, told many times. But it never hurts to tell it again.
In 1631, when his wife died in childbirth, the emperor Shah Jahan brought to Agra the most skilled craftsmen from all Asia and even Europe, to build the white marble mausoleum that is the Taj Mahal. He intended to build a black marble mausoleum for himself, and the link between the two was to be a silver bridge. This fantastic plan suffered a dramatic and permanent setback when the Shah himself died.
Its stunning architectural beauty is beyond description, particularly at dawn and at sunset when it seems to glow in the light. On a foggy morning, it looks as though the Taj is suspended in mid-air when viewed from across the Jamuna river.
This is, of course, an illusion. The Taj stands on a raised square platform with its four corners truncated, forming an unequal octagon. The architectural design uses the interlocking arabesque concept, in which each element stands on its own and perfectly integrates with the main structure. It uses the principles of self-replicating geometry and a symmetry of architectural elements.
If you don't want the huge crowds to distract you from your view, try arriving just as it opens or is about to close. A few minutes alone in the perpetually echoing inner sanctum will reward you far more than several hours spent on a guided tour. Especially if your tour guide is Murbat Singh, who makes it his job to find a new comic slant on the Taj story every time he tells it.
To really do the Taj Mahal justice, you should plan to spend at least a full day in the grounds, to see this stunning piece of architecture at dawn, midday, and at dusk. The colours and atmosphere of the gardens and the Taj itself constantly change throughout the day. Under moonlight the marble glows.

The Taj's Other Story

If you have ever visited the Taj Mahal then your guide probably told you that it was designed by Ustad Isa of Iran, and built by the Moghul Emperor, Shah Jahan, in memory of his wife Mumtaz Mahal. Indian children are taught that it was built in 22 years (1631 to 1653) by 20,000 artisans brought to India from all over the world.
This story has been challenged by Professor P.N. Oak, author of Taj Mahal: The True Story, who believes that the whole world has been duped. He claims that the Taj Mahal is not Queen Mumtaz Mahal's tomb, but an ancient Hindu temple palace of Lord Shiva (then known as Tejo Mahalaya), worshipped by the Rajputs of Agra city.
In the course of his research, Oak discovered that the Shiva temple palace had been usurped by Shah Jahan from then Maharaja of Jaipur, Jai Singh. Shah Jahan then remodelled the palace into his wife's memorial. In his own court chronicle, Badshahnama, Shah Jahan admits that an exceptionally beautiful grand mansion in Agra was taken from Jai Singh for Mumtaz's burial. The ex-Maharaja of Jaipur is said to retain in his secret collection two orders from Shah Jahan for the surrender of the Taj building.
The use of captured temples and mansions as a burial place for dead courtiers and royalty was a common practice among Muslim rulers. For example, Hamayun, Akbar, Etmud-ud-Daula and Safdarjung are all buried in such mansions.
Oak's inquiries begin with the name Taj Mahal. He says this term does not occur in any Moghul court papers or chronicles, even after Shah Jahan's time. The term 'Mahal' has never been used for a building in any of the Muslim countries, from Afghanistan to Algeria.
'The usual explanation that the term Taj Mahal derives from Mumtaz Mahal is illogical in at least two respects. Firstly, her name was never Mumtaz Mahal but Mumtaz-ul-Zamani,' he writes. 'Secondly, one cannot omit the first three letters from a woman's name to derive the remainder as the name for the building.'
Taj Mahal is, he claims, a corrupt version of Tejo-mahalaya, or the Shiva's Palace. Oak also says that the love story of Mumtaz and Shah Jahan is a fairy tale created by court sycophants, blundering historians and sloppy archaeologists. Not a single royal chronicle of Shah Jahan's time corroborates the love story.
Furthermore, Oak cites several documents suggesting that the Taj Mahal predates Shah Jahan's era:
• Professor Marvin Miller of New York took samples from the riverside doorway of the Taj. Carbon dating tests revealed that the door was 300 years older than Shah Jahan.
• European traveller Johan Albert Mandelslo, who visited Agra in 1638 (only seven years after Mumtaz's death), describes the life of the city in his memoirs, but makes no reference to the Taj Mahal being built.
• The writings of Peter Mundy, an English visitor to Agra within a year of Mumtaz's death, also suggest that the Taj was a noteworthy building long well before Shah Jahan's time.
Oak also points out a number of design and architectural inconsistencies that support the belief that the Taj Mahal is a typical Hindu temple rather than a mausoleum.
Many rooms in the Taj Mahal have remained sealed since Shah Jahan's time, and are still inaccessible to the public. Oak asserts they contain a headless statue of Shiva and other objects commonly used for worship rituals in Hindu temples.
Fearing political backlash, Indira Gandhi's government tried to have Oak's book withdrawn from the bookstores, and threatened the Indian publisher of the first edition with dire consequences.
The only way to really validate or discredit Oak's research is to open the sealed rooms of the Taj Mahal, and allow international experts to investigate.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Teleportation Takes Quantum Leap

Teleportation Takes Quantum Leap

Stefan Lovgren
for National Geographic News
April 18, 2004

It sounds like something out of Star Trek.
Austrian researchers have teleported photons (particles of light) across the Danube River in Vienna using technology that calls to mind Scotty beaming up Captain Kirk in the science fiction series.
"We were able to perform a quantum teleportation experiment for the first time ever outside a university laboratory," said Rupert Ursin, a researcher at the Institute for Experimental Physics at the University of Vienna in Austria.
The researchers read the "blueprints" of the photons they wanted to teleport. They then broke up the photons into smaller particles called quantum bits and sent these bits, along with the blueprints, through a fiber-optic cable in a sewage pipe under the river.
At the other end, replicas of the original photons were created. The original photons ceased to exist once the replicas were created.
Quantum teleportation may have progressed from science fiction to reality. But don't look for a Star Trek transporter anytime soon. This science has little to do with beaming people from one place to another.
Instead, scientists hope the technology could become crucial for quantum computing and quantum cryptology, areas that promise to make computing much faster and 100 percent secure.
The research is reported in this week's issue of the science journal Nature.
Disappearing Act
Teleportation involves dematerializing an object at one point and transferring the precise details of its configuration to another location, where the object is then reconstructed.
In quantum teleportation tiny units of computer information, called quantum bits, are transferred from one place to another. The technology is called teleportation because the information moved behaves more like an object than normal information.
"If you're writing an e-mail, you're sending [something] into a cable where it will travel and then come out at the other end," Ursin said. "But with quantum teleportation, you will not find the [full] information that you sent inside the cable. It's taken apart and put back together at the other end."
Teleportation was long considered impossible because it violates the so-called uncertainty principle of quantum mechanics. As the principle goes, the act of measuring a tiny particle destroys it. So theoretically, an exact replica of a particle can never be made.
But in 1993 scientists showed a way around the problem by using a complex concept known as entanglement, an area of physics that Albert Einstein referred to as "spooky action at a distance."
Since then, numerous experiments using photons have proved that quantum teleportation is possible. Scientists have teleported quantum bits along more than a mile (1.6 kilometers) of fiber-optic wire inside laboratories.
The science is not new, said Mark Kuzyk, a physics professor at Washington State University in Pullman. But this is the first time "researchers have demonstrated that teleportation works in the kinds of real-life conditions that are found in telecom applications."
No Eavesdropping
The most obvious practical application for quantum teleportation is in cryptology. Scientists say quantum physics can provide a completely secure method of communication between two distant correspondents. Sending photons entangled in a quantum state makes it impossible for an eavesdropper to intercept a message.
"There is no copy [of the information], so there is nothing to intercept," Ursin said.
The problem, for now, is that the quantum technology only works over limited distances. Physicists are now laying the groundwork for so-called quantum repeaters. Used in regular communications, these devices would allow messages to be transmitted around the world.
Commercial applications remain far off. "But this is really the step toward a real-world implementation of a long-distance quantum teleportation protocol," Ursin said.
So what are the chances of developing a transporter that can beam people from one location to another, Star Trek-style?
"Nothing we do will help us build Scotty's apparatus," Ursin said. "The reason is very simple: A human body contains too much information to scan and build all replicas."
For a human to be teleported, a machine would have to pinpoint and analyze the trillions and trillions of atoms that make up the human body. Only recently have scientists taken preliminary steps toward teleporting even a single, whole atom.

Monday, April 26, 2010

Teleportation Effect Study - ‘Tesla’s Magnetic Wall Experiment’

World is on research of Indian Vedas

In future human will travel through settelite from one place to another like in ancient India our Gods use to travel from one place to another

Teleportation Effect Study - ‘Tesla’s Magnetic Wall Experiment’

Nikola Tesla, electrical engineer and scientist was best known for his extraordinary contributions to the development of electric power and electromagnetism. While some of his theories often seemed to nudge the line between science and wizardry, the apparent impossibilities of his reasoning were an illusion created by the lack of understanding of emerging technology in his time.
Although our technological capabilities have since come a long way, the fundamental science behind much of what we take for granted goes unexplained. This unawareness has become a comfortable state, justified by the convenience that technology brings us - which is the real illusion.
Today, our gadgetry and electronics rely on unseen forces as much as we rely on them. The following effect celebrates the wonders of natural science and the impossibilities made possible through man-made technology.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Require President Rule in U.P. & Bihar

Require President Rule in U.P. & Bihar
After completion of 62nd year of Independence we can not say that India has grown up. India has 28 states, every states has its own population, own law & order, own culture. Every state represents culture for India.
As I am not from any political party but being a common person, really disappointed by the Govt of India & its working style, reasons were as follows.
1) Every state needs to develop educational standards. As I had seen earlier through some news channel that Mr. Rajabhaiya’s story is coming in history books of 5th standards in UP & Bihar. I don’t know what significant contribution given by this Mr. Rajabhaiya. As I know through some news channels that he is a criminal in UP & Bihar. If students will learn such a person’s history, then they will also like to become criminal. Today’s children are the future of India. If really want to teach them a history of India, then I think Indian history is not bad at all. There were many freedom fighters who had sacrificed their life for the independence of India. These states lacking quality in education because there leaders doesn’t want to make educated people environment. Education creates a culture of literacy & positive thoughts towards the growth of city, district, state & the nation.
2) When every state will develop their economical condition, then after India will develop automatically. Every state situated in a west region is developing there economy, like Punjab, Gujarat, Maharashtra, & also a south region. Punjab is also a very good state with good law & order, education & agriculture. Gujarat is also developing after many natural calamities like earthquake at Bhuj, Plague, flood & etc. Now Tata’s Nano’s project is also launched in Gujarat, because of that, many people will get an employment opportunities who were staying there, & seeing this other industries will take an interest to do a major investment in Gujarat. In South, now Bangalore is an I.T. city, Kerala & other south places were famous for the tourism, because of that, people who were staying there they are getting employment opportunities. While in UP & Bihar there is a lack of development in any sector like Agriculture, Industries (Small scale / Large scale), Tourism & etc, though there a people were really hardworking people. Actually, UP & Bihar people are really hardworking people & they have good strength & manpower. The only need is to utilize the manpower properly.
3) Funding for scientific research & development is necessary for the growth of the country. Today in 2008 India reached to the Moon; this achievement could be in the year of 1970 to 1975. But we are far behind of this world. As I know more than 50% of NASA scientists were Indian. This is because they were not getting any motivation from our country. Less equipment, less facility, low payments for their contribution in scientific research, as a result these important people were moving out from the country. After getting 90% & above the students can not get admissions for Medical, because of less medical colleges & the corruption in educational system. Student from schedule caste gets an admission with 50% to that college where general caste student couldn’t get admission having 55%. If India is Secular country & not differentiating in any caste & religion then why we are following this system? In fact we are only dividing India in a religion & castes. First thing is that Govt needs to change the 62 years old format of reservation & bring a new format of, more the % then more the opportunities. As a result students will concentrate more on studies & there will be competition in studies, & there will be growth in every sector like, public sector & private sector, because more talented person will get higher post & vice a versa. Govt should follow this hierarchy system for not only in every Govt company but also in Private companies. Govt can provide subsidies or scholarships in educational fees for schedule caste people who are really talented & in need of some financial help, but that should be for genuine cases.
4) Main Important thing is law & order of every state which provides a safety to there people. While comparing north region to other regions, north region is the worst region for maintaining a law & order. In UP & Bihar there is a law & order situation is “Jiski Lathi Uski Bhais”. People who want to earn in agriculture they can not earn, because there is a dominating structure of law & order. Big thakurs & other dakoos were literally robbing their cultivations. Actually this is a tendency in UP & Bihar as to lootofy poor people & become a rich. After 62 year of independence there is still dakoos in “Chambale ki Ghati”, & trains are not safe, going outside of Maharashtra in MP, UP & Bihar, as there robbers robs these trains. Even on small fight people takes out revolvers, guns, kattas & riphals. Delhi is a capital of India but not safe at all. Terrorists attack on parliament, attack on Maharashtra Sadan situated in a posh area of Delhi where section 144 is there, rape & murder incidences, for e.g. Arushi & Soumya Vishwanathan murder cases. After 8 o’clock no women can go safely to anywhere, same thing is happening in UP & Bihar. Any one can get weapons from there with or without license. We can not forget incidence at Sharukh Khan Residence, where one security guard came from UP & Bihar shoots to another security guard working on a same location, and that was an incidence caused because of some prank done by the victim. This proves that anybody can get a weapons license from UP & Bihar. While in Maharashtra, especially in Mumbai people are safe at any time, because of Maharashtra police. Because of these Mumbai police & Maharashtra police, people can sleep peacefully in the night or can go anywhere, anytime safely. People need not to wait for next day morning. Govt should not de-motivate Mumbai police & Maharshtra police for any stupid political issues.
5) Action against the Terrorism is also the main important factor to protect the country, system, public, & the law & order of the country. It has been seen from some news channel that Govt is planning to start the Pension for the terrorists who died in the encounter or in any blast. In many public sectors Govt has withdrawn the pension facility for their employees, even private sector people were paying separately for pension plans to Banking & Financial industry. Due to such statements of Congress leaders for pension plans to terrorists, Govt is provoking public to become a terrorist. Because every terrorist gets good amount of money when he is involved in terrorism & after his death his family will be safe as they will get pension from the Govt. Where every person is trying to earn income for him & for his family & at the same time he needs to do a future planning for his family considering if he dies tomorrow. Due to such statements I think every person who is really struggling in his life for survival, will become a Terrorist.
6) The main important thing is a dirty politics in UP & Bihar. People needs to remember past, forecast & work in a present, & planed for the future. As we know before breaking Kosi river dam, there engineer has sent several reminders to the concern Govt, but that person is transferred to another place. I think Mr. Nitishkumar was waiting for that, when dam will break & in a flood condition of Bihar he will get money fund from other states for Bihar help, and he got what he wanted, that is Rs 95 crores, which will be more helpful for Mr. Nitishkumar for his own development, & for election fund. While Mr. Laloo Prasad Yadav was seen on TV sets, giving Rs 500/- notes to those poor people stucked in flood area. I don’t know what will be the use of those Rs 500/- to those people who were surrounded by water & lacking the food & cloths. These politicians were the viruses for India as they really don’t want educated & well earning people in their states. Because if they will get educated & employment in their states then, they can think what is right & what is wrong, after that these politicians can not fool their public & can not rule their states for a life long.
7) As per our Indian law every person has a right to say against the Govt. After so many reminders if Govt fails to correct the functioning in a system, then there will be a revolution. I don’t think that Mr. Raj Thakre is wrong in anywhere. Because people who were staying since a long time in Maharashra & paying taxes to the country are not a fool, they might be Marathi, Gujarathi, Marwadi, Jain, Punjabi, Sindhi, Bengali, Christian, South Indian, or UP & Biharis, etc who were staying since from more than 25 years. Before correcting the corruptions in Indian Railway recruitment system Govt has sent Mr. Raj Thakre to jail. There the govt has gone wrong. I think we are not having an independence to say against the Govt & staying in a British rule as if some one is said against the Govt then Govt sent this person to jail. Why? I am not from any political party but can understand what is going on in my country. Congress had taken action against Mr. Raj Thakre because to save their Govt, The picture is totally clear to every Indian that, UP & Bihar MPs, MLAs, & other politicians had blackmailed the Congress Govt that they will take out the support, if they will not take an action against Mr. Raj Thakre, because of that the central Govt of Congress will be no longer in existence.
8) Mr. Kishore Samrite, a MLA from Madhya Pradesh had given a murder contract worth Rs 1 Crore of Mr. Raj Thakre openly on a camera in front of an electronic media. Still govt has failed to take an action against him. Don’t know what kind of Indian Govt it is. Yes, it is sure that Govt could take an action against Mr. Raj Thakre if he used these sentences against any politician situated in UP & Bihar.
9) Generalist is the field of art like painting, singing, dancing, where there are a no boundaries in the world. Every artist shows a reality in life & clears the picture to the world. But now a day’s generalist especially like electronic media in India is manipulating the world of truth & showing partiality towards the UP & Bihar ministers. They were passing the wrong massage to the country. Media is not highlighting the main reason for any activity. Media should ask the question to UP & Bihar Govt about the development in UP & Bihar while they were targeting Mr. Raj Thakre. Why they were not asking the question to the central railway ministry for a corruption in railway recruitment system & mismanagement of Rs 2000 crores in Jammu & Kashmir railway project? Why media is not demanding CBI enquiry as why Rahul Raj came to Mumbai? Was some one had given him a killing contract like Mr. Kishore Samrite, to earn money in a short time? Why these people were not targeting UP & Bihar politicians for their dirty politics? Why can’t media understand that Mr. Lallooprasad Yadav & other politicians were diverting UP & Bihar people’s attention to Mumbai & Maharashtra, to save their seats in UP & Bihar?
10) Railway ministry had spent Rs 2000/- crores for developing a train’s facility in Jammu & Kashmir. But the result is after spending this huge amount Govt has realized that, there is a mistake somewhere in constructing railway lines in Jammu & Kashmir, then for keeping mouth shut of the people Govt had started a train for short distance in Jammu & Kashmir. Who will be the responsible for Rs 2000/- crores mismanagement & loss?
11) Mumbai contributes a more than 40% of national income & what are the facilities are getting for Mumbai? Still commuters traveling from Virar to Churchgate are suffering for shortages of trains. Actually 4 lines tracks was sanctioned but no longer response showed by the Govt. After Supreme Court deadline order it is been completed last year in Oct 07. But what’s the use of these 4 lines as sufficient trains are not there. I am seeing same old local trains in Mumbai since more than 31 years, but there should be some modifications need to be done for ventilation in those old trains like the new ones having to avoid suffocation.
12) Go anywhere in the world, you will get more examples of growth & development in the country like Japan, China & etc. After suffering from a two major attacks on Hiroshima & Nagasaki, Japan is now developed once again. China the no 1 country in population in the world, knows how to utilize there people for developing their country. Now China has every where in the world of electronics market which low downs the electronic material prices. Then why the India & India’s every State & City don’t want to develop? There should be a competition between every City & every State for the development, not for the ruling the India’s Govt & not for Chairs.
13) In Mumbai SRA projects was started for slum development as want to change a look of Mumbai without slums like other cities in the world, But what’s the use, because when old slums converts into the buildings, at the same time the new slums were establishing illegally. As I know 4 to 5 year earlier Govt has given sanction for slums till 1995 & now Govt had given sanction for slums till 2000. Why? it is don’t know. Govt has to understand the people who were in traveling in local trains & buses could not travel properly. Many people are dying daily in Mumbai in Railway accidents as the rush is really too much. For getting a space & avoid suffocation some people pays for railway’s 1st class pass but the satisfaction is “Zero”. Another important thing is because of these slums Govt constructing toilets & latrine, But the people who were coming from UP & Bihar has a tendency to go for a latrine in the farms, as a result we were seeing these people in the morning on a railway tracks for latrine. We can not teach decency to anyone that only comes from the education.
14) Now there are two ways to develop UP & Bihar. One is, people who were staying there they should do the revolutionary fight against their politicians for the development in every sector like education & industries. Second option is apply President Rule in UP & Bihar, where military has to stapes in every house of UP & Bihar & search for weapons, & then Govt could get many weapons more than UP & Bihar police having right now. Then Govt can call the entire industrialist to invest in UP & Bihar. Then only, we will see a different face of UP & Bihar. There is a one saying i.e. “Empty mind devil’s workshop”. These people should get work to spend a day & to earn money.
15) Another important thing is that the Indian Govt has allowed foreign companies in Indian market like Coco Cola & Pepsi, & for other consumer goods. Because of this we were getting money in form of taxes from these companies. But they are taking out maximum part of Indian money & exchanging into their currency. Because of that our currency value will go down. This can stop, but for that, Indian Govt needs to establish & promote Indian investors for the development of small scale & big scale industries. And one more thing is that Govt should not sell out any of the properties of Govt, as some corrupt politicians shows these companies in losses & they sell out our public properties. It has happened like, BSES has been sold to Reliance Energy, IPCL sold 7 oil wells to Reliance Petro chemical Industries which has been declared no oil wells, after that news came that there was oil, BSNL 51% shares sold to Tata Telecom Industries. Every Indian Govt Co. generates an income for the country, selling these properties Govt loosing the income. To run Indian economy there is requirement of certain amount of money in Indian treasure. Lacking this Govt imposes different types of taxes on the Indian citizens. Ultimately the load comes on the every citizen of India. This is really, people & the Govt needs to understand.
16) Farmers are the keen factor for the survival of every citizen. These people spend a lot of time in their farms putting all the efforts to get good cultivation. But the agents sanctioned by the Govt to sell these foods, fruits & vegetables were lootofying these poor farmers & earns maximum part of the income compare to the farmers without putting a single effort. Because of that these farmers can not earn as per their satisfaction & capacities, & results comes in farmers suicides, as they can not pay loans, & they can not feed their children. As a result, poor remains poor & rich become richer.
17) I had seen one movie of Anil Kapoor named “Nayak”. When he started doing good things for people, then other politicians don’t want him to be alive. After all that was a movie, that’s why a hero fights with enemies & criminal, but in real, is it possible? Will souls of the freedom fighters who had sacrificed their life for an independent India rest in peace in the Heaven? This shows a true colour of India which is really bad & still India is far behind in the world.
18) Govt needs to concentrate for getting our Kashmir part, back from Pakistan & Chin. This is a humble request to every citizen of India & the Govt of India to, not only think on this, but also need to work on this. Mumbai is an economical capital of India situated in Maharashtra. Why don’t every state wants to develop such a city in their states, because of which total national income will go up & India will be the top most economical country in the world. I want to be a proud Indian & waiting for the same. I have still not lost my hopes, to see India in a row of big countries.