Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Earth The Mother, The God – Save our Mother & God

Earth The Mother, The God – Save our Mother & God

Earth is alive, she also feels a pain & we are spoiling her health. Save Earth.

The Earth the only one planet on which we live & given all the kind of blessings like fresh food, fresh air, fresh water & etc. In the beginning of mankind the Earth has developed greenery & mountains every where not only for humans but also for every animal living on this planet.

India (Bharat) the origin of knowledge & the Spiritual technology where the knowledge was written in the books called as “Rigveda, Yajurveda, Saamveda, Atharvaveda” in which details of Telepathy, Telecasting, Voice Transmission, Pushpak plains, Brahmastra, Agniastra, Sanjivani Vidhya & etc was written.

At the time of British rule these old Indian literature was translated in English by Britishes & they had converted this Indian spiritual knowledge into the Technological way. After some successful experiments the era of technological development was started as the first aircraft was launched in the year 1903.

Not only the Earth but the entire universe is based on the Energy. Every spiritual technology written in Vedas was based on the spiritual energy for which human need to develop his spiritual knowledge & the spiritual capacities.

But rather than this humans started taking the energies from the Earth. In ancient times humans were involved more in agricultural development rather than industrial development. We were using wastage woods for cooking the food & there were the barter systems. That time’s humans were more attached to the nature & caring to the nature.

But now we humans were not caring to our nature surrounding to us. We should do the technological development, but we are destroying & harming the Earth & the nature.

From cooking to traveling we are keep on consuming gases & oils which we are sucking from the inner part of the Earth, as a result of which the Earth speed is also slowing down. It has been scientifically proved around 10 to 15 years back that Earth speed was slowed down to 1 mile second as a result of which clocks around the world was adjusted.

Just imagine thousands of injections on your body sucking everything from it. We are the worms destroying our own planet. And we exploded to much extent & finding another planets to live like Moon & Mars. We want to become The God, the creator, but the God is reducing human life so that human should not spoil the Universe.

We humans were not only destroying the inner part, but also the upper layer of the Earth. We were keeping on capturing the forest areas & wiping out the wild animals, mountains, trees & everything which is coming in our way. We are much more interested in industrial development rather than agricultural development. We were spoiling rivers by lending industrial chemical wastages in it & also spoiling the atmosphere shell of the Earth by lending much more carbon & other gases in the air.

We will get all the things return back what we are giving to the nature in form of natural disasters like Tsunami, Earthquakes, Cyclones, heavy rains, chilled winter, hot summer & etc. In computer language, we format the hard disk in partial way or in fully way when the antivirus can not clean the virus & computer starts hanging. In the same way the Earth also will do the format & will wipe out some part of population & will give the lesson to the mankind to grow the greenery on Earth & respect the Nature.

We can’t see air but can feel, like wise we can’t see the God but we should feel. The Nature is itself the God on which we live & survive.

Now farmers also do not want their kids to spend their life in the farms. They want their children to sit in office in front of computer rather than sending their life in field. Education is must for every human, but the using educational knowledge for agriculture development is necessary.

Today every young student wants to become Engineer, Doctor, Advocate & etc, but no one wants to become a farmer. In India our Govt. is much more responsible for this, as because framers were not getting proper electricity, water, seeds & other facilities for cultivation. And after spending lot of time in farms the Govt. is also not paying proper rates for their cultivation.

In today’s fast life every human wants fast money. As a result of which farmers especially UP & Biharies (Bhaiyas) were also using the chemicals & colour dyes for their fast growth & fresh looking fruits vegetables. As a result of which we are not only consuming the polluted air but also eating chemical contained food.

What will happen if we will have lots of Gold, Diamonds, and Money in our house but no food grains in the market, then what will be the use of that Gold, Diamonds, & Money lying in our home.