Sunday, May 2, 2010

The Sixth Sense Technology invented by Mr. Pranav Mistry (Indian, MIT Engineering Student)

The Sixth Sense Technology invented by Mr. Pranav Mistry (Indian, MIT Engineering Student)

No one Indian is interested in today’s world to know that what we were in our past time. Some people knows but don’t want to waste their time to think & discuss on that as in today’s world we Indians are really busy to make more money but not interested to expand our knowledge & thinking ability to the maximum extent.
As per the scientific research it has been proved that a normal human being is using 1% to 2% of his brain & the maximum use is up to the 7%, that human we called is as a scientist as because he is using his brain maximum extent as compare to other human beings.

Just go in a flash back time that is in 1947 when we had got independence. Now you all people know that Britishes ruled us 150 years that means they came India approximately in the year 1797 & before that, 1000 years ago mughals came to India. Earlier to that India (Bharat Rashtra) was the one & only country Hindu Rashtra with all kind of Happiness & knowledge. Every person in India was happy as because that time Gold was priceless & we had more importance of food grains & agriculture. As well as we had all the knowledge written in our ancient books called as “Yajurved, Saamved, Atharvaved & Rigved”. But rather than opening those books & getting knowledge from that we had only showered flowers on that.

Mughals came India & they had started converting hindus into muslims forcefully & the same thing Britishes were did to convert hindus in to Christian.
In throughout the 150 years of British’s rule, Britishes robbed India from every point of view that is wealth, antiques, ancient books & every thing. Even Britishes had not left Gandhiji’s Specs & footwares.

Now coming to the point as world had never succeeded in the technologies & knowledge till the year 1800. First aircraft launched in the year 1903. How Sanjay had seen the Mahabharat war & explained that to King Dhritrashtra in Dwaparyuga? On that Telecasting basis Televisions invented. Like this how our Gods & Saints use to communicate through their brain waves? On that Telepathy basis Telephones had been invented.

Now the scientist has got success in the Teleportation. That means how our Gods & Saints used to travel & appear anywhere in the fraction of second to meet each other. In the same manner human will travel through the satellite in coming future.

Likewise scientist had done many of the experiments as explained in our Vedas & they have got success. Kidney transplant, Heart transplant, Blood transplant, but how can we forget that our god Shivji had did Lord Ganesha’s Head transplant that time.

The world is converting our spiritual science in to the technical science. But the world is going in a wrong way as in ancient India the spiritual science was based on the Human brain & was taking the energy from the Sun & the other natural resources like air & etc in the spiritual way & that was not harmful to the nature.
But the technological science is harming the nature as we are keep on consuming not only from the underground energy (Gas, Oil, Petrol, Diesel, etc) but also we are destroying upper surface of the earth (Mountains, Trees, Air, Water, etc).
Because of that not only the Earth speed is slowing down but also we are facing the problem of Global Warming.

Now I will come to the point of latest technology called as Sixth sense Technology is invented by Mr. Pranav Mistry (Indian, MIT Engineering Student).
This is really the best invention. We Indians are really talented & more innovative since our ancient times. 70% Indian scientist are working in NASA.
But our Indian govt. & politicians doesn’t want to motivate the Indian scientist. Our politicians are much more interested in multiplying the money & their assets.